2021 Council Elections: IAHR members, your vote counts! Candidates statements


The nominating committee hereby presents the slate of candidates for the 2021 Council Elections.

For President

Joseph H. W. Lee

Joseph H.W. Lee

“Water and environment will rank high on the policy agenda of most governments in the coming decade. Population growth, urbanization and climate change give rise to many food, water and energy security challenges. The ‘second machine age’ is also bringing many opportunities for the next generation of hydro-environment research and practice: e.g. smart water management systems for climate resilient cities. On the other hand, IAHR is also facing many challenges: in this age of globalization and ubiquitous data access there is a need for organizations to act swiftly and respond in an agile manner. I commit to bring my energy, experience and international networks to lead the development of IAHR…”

Read Joseph H. W. Lee Statement

For Vice-President for Asia Pacific

Hyoseop Woo

Hyoseop Woo

Hyoseop Woo is a Professor at the School of Earth Science and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST). He received his Ph.D. at Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, the USA, in 1985 in sedimentation engineering. He joined IAHR in the early 1990s and served as leader of IAHR regional activities, hosting numerous IAHR conferences in Korea, including the 2005 IAHR Biennial Congress, the 2010 ISE, and the 2012 APD Congress. He served as Chairman of IAHR-APD from 2015 until 2018. He also helped found JHER, the IAHR journal, by providing financial support from KWRA. 

Read Hyoseop Woo Statement

For Vice-President for the Americas

Robert Ettema

Robert Ettema

“I am glad to apply to continue for a second 2-year term as a candidate for the position of IAHR Vice-President (VP) for the Americas Region, which includes Latin America, Canada, the Caribbean, and the USA. This second term would enable me to complete an overall, four-year stint as an IAHR VP.”

Read Robert Ettema Statement

For Vice-President for Europe

Amparo López

Amparo López

“I am pleased to apply as a candidate for the position of IAHR Vice-President for Europe. I gained the qualification of Industrial Engineer at the Universitat Politècnica de València, and Bachelor on combined (Mechanical-Electrical) Engineering at Coventry Polytechnic University (UK). I finished my PhD in the Department of Hydraulic and Environment Engineering (UPV, Spain). Currently, I am Full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at the higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering, and Director of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department since 2016. I was elected as Director of my department in 2016 and re-elected in 2020.”

Read Amparo López Statement

Michele Mossa

Michele Mossa

“I am glad to apply as a candidate for the position of IAHR Vice-President (VP). Since the beginning of my academic career, I have been an active member of IAHR and I have played a full part in supporting IAHR initiatives and attending IAHR Congresses and specialist IAHR-sponsored symposia. In addition, I have contributed directly to the growth and development of IAHR by means of particular leadership roles.”

Read Michele Mossa Statement

Vladimir Nikora

Vladimir Nikora

“It is a great privilege to be selected by the Nominating Committee for the election for IAHR Vice-Presidency. This election is happening at a time when IAHR is deeply focused on its strategic vision of bringing together engineers and researchers to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The achievement of these Goals largely depends on water quantity, quality, and availability, highlighting significant role of IAHR.”

Read Vladimir Nikora Statement

 Key dates

All IAHR members have the option to file a nomination by petition, with the deadline being 30 April.

All members will be invited to vote by electronic ballot and elections will be open until Wednesday 6 July.

>> More information on this election procedure

>> Contact the IAHR Secretariat for more information 

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